Spam DOUBLE MUTHA like it's 2007
Double Mutha
double kill
About To Bust
back it up
amazement or disbelief
Molly Whopped
absolutely destroyed
Ram Shacked
hit hard and unexpectedly
Surprise Doggie
an unexpected encounter
Gaaat Dog
wat dog?
Flow Up
tore up from the flow up
Ya Understand
make the message clear
nice haircut
coo coo ca choo
zip zop zoobity bop
How Many Licks
the eternal question
Clapping Cheeks
you've been clapped
Mommy Milkers
back to mommy
Hail To The King
royal victory
Cheap Person
you're a cheap person
i'm the captiain now
Back To Academy
go back to the academy
Battle Rifle
no one beats me
Never Give Up
never surrender
If I Be Your Friend
i propose a friendship
the impossible happens